
Obama, Romney: Where Do They Stand on Immigration?

Publicado el 5 de noviembre de 2012
en Rightsidenews


  President Obama   Governor Romney
Administrative Amnesty/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals   “Over the next few months eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization. Now, let`s be clear: This is not amnesty. This is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It`s not a permanent fix. This is a temporary stop-gap measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people. It is — it is the right thing to do.” (Barack Obama Speech, Jun. 15, 2012)   “The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid. I`m not going to take something that they`ve purchased. Before those visas have expired we will have the full immigration reform plan that I`ve proposed.” (Denver Post,Oct. 2, 2012)
Amnesty   “[T]hose who are here illegally, they have a responsibility as well. So they broke the law, and that means they`ve got to pay their taxes, they`ve got to pay a fine, they`ve got to learn English. And they`ve got to undergo background checks and a lengthy process before they get in line for legalization. That`s not too much to ask.” (Barack ObamaRemarks, El Paso, TX, May 10, 2011)    “Mitt Romney opposes amnesty because he believes that it acts as a magnet encouraging illegal immigration. The last amnesty law passed in 1986 granted legal status to 2.7 million illegal immigrants. In the decades since, the illegal immigrant population has quadrupled. Mitt believes that an amnesty should not be permitted to happen again. Illegal immigrants who apply for legal status should not be given any advantage over those who are following the law and waiting their turn. Mitt absolutely opposes any policy that would allow illegal immigrants to ‘cut in line.`” (Mitt Romney for President CampaignWebsite, Nov. 1, 2012) 
Border Security   “The most significant step we can now take to secure the borders is to fix the system as a whole so that fewer people have the incentive to enter illegally in search of work in the first place. This would allow agents to focus on the worst threats on both of our — both sides of our borders, from drug traffickers to those who would come here to commit acts of violence or terror. That`s where our focus should be.” (Barack Obama Remarks, El Paso, TX, May 10, 2011)   “Governor Romney will ensure that we have the officers on the ground we need to gain control of the border.” (Mitt Romney for President CampaignWebsite, Nov. 1, 2012) 
DREAM Act   “I have never wavered in my support of comprehensive immigration reform. We did put forward a DREAM Act that was passed in the House, got the overwhelming majority of support from Democrats in the Senate, and was blocked by the Republican Party. We now are confronted with a choice between two candidates in which the candidate sitting here with you today is committed to comprehensive immigration reform, is committed to the DREAM Act, has taken administrative actions to prevent young people from being deported.” (Barack Obama Remarks at Univision Town Hall, Sept. 20, 2012)   “Mitt Romney believes that young illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children should have the chance to become permanent residents, and eventually citizens, by serving honorably in the United States military.” (Mitt Romney for President Campaign 

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