Legislación de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
To require background checks to be conducted on all refugees and asylees before they are granted such status.
Fecha de aprobación 9 de mayo de 2013
REFUGEES.—Section 207(c)(1) (8 U.S.C. 1157(c)(1)) is amended by adding at the end the fol-
lowing: ‘‘No alien shall be admitted as a refugee until the
identity of the applicant, including biographic and biomet-
ric data, has been checked against all appropriate records
or databases maintained by the Secretary of Homeland
Security, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State,
and other Federal records or databases that the Secretary
of Homeland Security considers necessary, to determine
any national security, law enforcement, or other grounds
on which the alien may be inadmissible to the United
States or ineligible to apply for or be granted refugee sta-
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