Legislación de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
To modify the method for calculating annual H– 1B visa limits.
Fecha de aprobación 21 de mayo de 2013
If the number of cap-subject nonimmigrant visa petitions accepted for filing under section
101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) during the first 45 days petitions may
be filed for a fiscal year is equal to the base allocation
for such fiscal year, an additional 20,000 such visas shall
be made available beginning on the 46th day on which pe-
titions may be filed for such fiscal year.
‘‘(ii) If the base allocation of cap-subject non-
immigrant visa petitions accepted for filing under section
101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) for a fiscal year is reached during the
15-day period ending on the 60th day on which petitions
may be filed for such fiscal year, an additional 15,000
such visas shall be made available beginning on the 61st
day on which petitions may be filed for such fiscal year.
‘‘(iii) If the base allocation of cap-subject non-
immigrant visa petitions accepted for filing under section
101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) for a fiscal year is reached during the
30-day period ending on the 90th day on which petitions
may be filed for such fiscal year, an additional 10,000
such visas shall be made available beginning on the 91st
day on which petitions may be filed for such fiscal year.
‘‘(iv) If the base allocation of cap-subject non-
immigrant visa petitions accepted for filing under section
101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) for a fiscal year is reached during the
185-day period ending on the 275th day on which peti-
tions may be filed for such fiscal year, an additional 5,000
such visas shall be made available beginning on the date
on which such allocation is reached.
‘‘(v) If the number of cap-subject nonimmigrant visa
petitions accepted for filing under section
101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) for a fiscal year is at least 5,000
fewer than the base allocation, but is not more than 9,999
fewer than the base allocation, the allocation adjustment
for the following fiscal year shall be -5,000
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[Reforma migratoria][Reforma migratoria]
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