Legislación de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
To change the date at which aliens had to have entered the United States to qualify for registered provisional immigrant status from December 31, 2011, to the date of the enactment of this Act.
Fecha de aprobación 9 de mayo de 2013
On page 62, line 18, strike ‘‘December 31, 2011’’ and 7 insert ‘‘the date of the enactment of the Border Security,
8 Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization
9 Act
On page 62, line 21, strike ‘‘December 31, 2011’’ and
insert ‘‘the date of the enactment of the Border Security,
Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization
On page 63, lines 9 and 10, strike ‘‘December 31,
2011’’ and insert ‘‘the date of the enactment of the Border
Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Mod-
ernization Act’’.
On page 63, line 14, strike ‘‘December 31, 2011’’ and
insert ‘‘the date of the enactment of the Border Security,
Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization
Nivel legislativo
Estados Unidos
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[Reforma migratoria]
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