Legislación de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act by expressly preempting any State or local law imposing a civil or criminal sanction, impairment, or liability on the basis of immigration status.
Fecha de aprobación 9 de mayo de 2013
Except as otherwise permitted or 6 required by Federal law, the provisions of this Act shall
7 preempt any State or local law that—
8 ‘‘(1) imposes a civil or criminal sanction, im-
9 pairment, or liability on the basis of immigration
10 status or a violation of any provision of this Act; or
(2) requires the disclosure of immigration sta-
2 tus as a condition of receiving any dwelling, good,
3 merchandise, program, or service.
‘‘(b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this sec-
tion may be construed to restrict the authority of a State
or local government to cooperate in the enforcement or
administration of Federal immigration law, to the extent
that such cooperation is authorized by this Act or is con-
ducted pursuant to the authorization of the Department
of Homeland Security or other agency of the Federal Gov-
Nivel legislativo
Estados Unidos
Temática general
[Vigilancia migratoria en Estados Unidos]
Temática específica
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