Secure Communities: Quarterly Report
Secure Communities: Quarterly Report
Publicado el 3 de enero de 2011
por ICE en Homeland Security, 2011 [Report], "Secure Communities: Quarterly Report", Washington, ICE,HS.
Section II of this report describes how ICE is employing technology to support the SC/CIRCAmission to identify and arrest criminal aliens, as well as to detain, process, and remove theseindividuals from the United States. For example, ICE is utilizing an information-sharingcapability between the Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal JusticeInformation Services Division Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)and the DHS United States-Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT)Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT), referred to as IDENT/IAFISinteroperability. IDENT/IAFIS interoperability has increased the volume of criminal history andimmigration status information available to ICE and its law enforcement partners in support ofenforcement efforts to identify and process criminal aliens for removal. At the close of thefourth quarter of FY 2010, IDENT/IAFIS interoperability had been activated in 658 jurisdictionsin 32 States. ICE is also continuing efforts to modernize technological systems, as well asautomate research and analysis functions, which contribute to more expeditious immigrationstatus and threat level determinations.
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