
Amicus Brief of 46 social science researchers and professors in support of petitioners-appellees / cross-appellants and urging affirmance

Amicus Brief of 46 social science researchers and professors in support of petitioners-appellees / cross-appellants and urging affirmance

Publicado el 30 de septiembre de 2014
por Nina Rabin en Amicus Brief of 46 Social Science Researchers and Professors 
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Amici curiae are 46 scholars and researchers in the fields of sociology, criminology, anthropology, psychology, geography, public health, medicine, Latin American studies, and law, whose work relates to incarceration and detention, migrant populations, and the effect of U.S. immigration detention and removal policies on migrant populations.

A full list of amici curiae—who join this brief as individuals, not as representatives of any institutions with which they are affiliated—is set forth in the Appendix to this brief.The objective of the amici curiae in this brief is to provide the Court with an empirically grounded understanding of the individual, familial, and societal harms of detention for prolonged periods of time.

This brief was authored in whole by amici curiae and their counsel, and no party to this litigation, their counsel, or any third party contributed money to fundthis brief. Counsel for amici contacted both the Government and Petitioners- Appellees and all parties consent to the filing of this brief.

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